Heat wave

Damn it's been hot. 5 straight days of 95-100 degree weather and I'm just a morose sweat bomb. I've been drinking too much beer (doesn't really work or help in staying cool, it just makes you immobile) and staying out on the deck late at night for those final blessed minutes when it finally cools down into the 60s and feels like an arrival at heaven on the midnight train.

So today in retaliation, I decided to try something I've always wanted to try. In fact it's something I've never eaten before -  just read about.  I figured the time was right to try to make a Gazpacho cold soup.

Man, what a great recipe I found. Super simple and just brimming with the complex and luscious flavors of summer.

It took a bit of time with a knife, and a bit of work, but it was so totally worth it.  Lined up and took a bead with my razor sharp heavy steel chef knife and game-on!

Half an English cucumber, peeled and finely diced

Half a red bell pepper, similarly diced

1 large Jalapeno, carefully diced

A half cup of green onions, firmly diced

4 red tomatoes from the garden, majestically diced

half a cup of red onions, resolutely minced

2 cloves of garlic, enthusiastically minced

1/2 teaspoon of cumin
1/2 teaspoon of oregano (dried)
a pinch of cayenne
1/2 teaspoon of black pepper

All tossed into a large blue* bowl and stirred around a bit.  Take a deep sniff at this point. and you will experience a future view of Heaven.

* your bowl color may vary, but I love my cobalt blue bowl for serving salads and soups. The day I drop it and break it I will weep.

Then...... into my blender goes a pint of freshly picked and washed cherry tomatoes (thank you deer for not stealing these beauties from my garden) and pureed  until smooth

Along with:

1/4 cup of virgin olive oil

1 table spoon of balsamic vinegar

1 teaspoon of Worcestershire sauce

1 key lime from garden juiced

All that smooth marvelousness then gets poured into the large blue bowl and stirred till throughly mixed.

A third of it gets immediately put back into the blender and pureed again. Then plop, back into the blue bowl, stirred and then into the refrigerator for 2 hours to let it contemplate.

Served with some oil and garlic thin sliced and oven toasted Ciabatta with some chopped fresh basil and  splot of sour creme to finish.



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